Background of Ibanda university
By Anna Katwine
DIT student 2017
Ibanda University is located in Bubaare cell, Bufunda ward, Ibanda municipality.
It was founded in 2014 with the motto hard work for excellence under the governance of Mr. Rwomushana Jeeb as the core director
This organization’s hierarchy is as thus; Board of Trustees, University council, University senate, Vice chancellor, University secretary, Bursar, academic registrar, School deans, Human resource, Estate manager, Public relations officer, Stores assistant, University librarian, Guild, Technicians, Security guards and drivers
This organization is an academic registration registered with the National Council for Higher Education. It offers Certificates, Diplomas and Bachelor Degrees in various fields like Information Technology, Business administration, Development Studies, Public Administration, Education, Mass Communication and Agriculture in Rural renovation.
By Anna Katwine
DIT student 2017
Ibanda University is located in Bubaare cell, Bufunda ward, Ibanda municipality.
It was founded in 2014 with the motto hard work for excellence under the governance of Mr. Rwomushana Jeeb as the core director
This organization’s hierarchy is as thus; Board of Trustees, University council, University senate, Vice chancellor, University secretary, Bursar, academic registrar, School deans, Human resource, Estate manager, Public relations officer, Stores assistant, University librarian, Guild, Technicians, Security guards and drivers
This organization is an academic registration registered with the National Council for Higher Education. It offers Certificates, Diplomas and Bachelor Degrees in various fields like Information Technology, Business administration, Development Studies, Public Administration, Education, Mass Communication and Agriculture in Rural renovation.