"How cheating makes u proud" From a true story

Hours later someone comes to announce that the grandmother is dead.
Two days later the child starts to stammer again, moving his lips, this time everyone looks with fear and in the end he pronounces "u
ncle", that evening the uncle was dead.
Then came the fatal day, that night the child repeats the same stupidity moving his lips and there everyone rushes to the door fleeing, but before everybody was able to get to the door he had already said "papa."
That evening the father was terrified and could not sleep at all bcoz of fear; then, his wife having pity on him, told him that the child was not actually his.
For once we see a husband to whom such news is announced to jump with joy and to thank his wife for having cheated on him. And the next day the driver was dead in front of the door ...
The husband is still dancing.
