"What doesnt kill you makes you stronger", Nyikyirize Mathias tough life|Street Magazine
Ntawangwa George shares Mathias' here:

I came to know him in 2008 when we formed a students association called Kaburisoke students association. he had finished his S2, Later he went to Kampala for studies but came back prematurely.
When I started a small business in town he was renting some where while working at some one's butchery and he hosted me until we started paying rent together & we spent a year until we were joined by his brother & we started sharing a room three of us, I remember we could cook cabbage & posho, Mathias was good at mingling & lighting a stove while I couldn't manage that..
the land lady refused and asked one of us to leave. Mathias was not being paid a salary, his brother was volunteering, its only me who had some business & i had to rent my own room.
Then his boss at the butchery defaulted him his wages amounting to 300,000=, he went & reported to mayor Geoffrey Byamukama & his boss connived with a Lady at cape hotel who alleged that she had paid Mathias money for meat which was allegedly never delivered, when mayor summoned his boss, they ended up demanding Mathias! akarugiramu aho. It was painful because he could at times come narrating to us the pain he would feel in the chest after falling with a motorcycle while carrying a goat or a sheep tied in his chest at a motorcycle tank & imagine they don't even pay him!
Often I would leave him at my shop & go for political activism & he would make more money than I could because he is better than me in customer care & marketing.
He again went to Kampala for studies after being connected to our friend Emmanuel Twinamatsiko by our colleague Asimwe Kennedy & when he reached he stated working at his restaurant as he went to school, later he was asked to pay for S6 registration which he couldn't afford, I found him with his mattress in Kampala & we came back together because he had decided to register from here since it was cheaper than kampala , i had two rooms, i gave him one room & he stayed there, his brother paid for him registration at Kamwenge voc SS , He worked at his brothers restaurant while doing his S6.
On the restaurant he met a man who had been appointed as a head teacher Kamwenge SS, he served him well & they had a conversation, this head teacher offered to allow him study at his school though he had registered from another school which was distant.
He did his S6 and passed well. It took him 10 years 2006-2016 to complete his secondary.
What united us most was the spirit of patriotism & our humble family backgrounds.
He lost his father at the age of six, he was the last born, non of his elders stepped in a secondary, but he wanted to break the record and yes he did!
He said his background shouldn't determine his future.
In last campaigns he campaigned for Cuthbert for NRM primaries but campaigned for OZO of FDC in general elections. He is related to Cuthbert but he supported OZO because he loves his country.
Fortunately Cuthbert took it in good faith & they remained friends.
We were almost killed in his home area as he identified for me vote thieves.
He was also my agent when I contested in 2016 elections.
Finally he secured a job with Kamwenge district local government.
His journey seemed too unclear, with a lot of uncertainty but he remained resilient and persistent, he never gave up...
I remember in 2016/17 he studied in three universities in one year, all this because of money issues but as I talk he finally got one and he is studying his bachelors.
He is a true inspiration to me, its not just the rich or big people that inspire us but even those around us can inspire us in a way or another.....
He has remained focused, consistent, committed, hard working, confident, persistent, resilient, humble, honest, hopeful, optimistic loving & above all patriotic.
Some times you see us people moving & make judgements, you need to know our story first.....
Mathias hasn't achieved his goals but there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
Big ups my brother Mathias, I thought I should share your story with the public, it could inspire many souls

I came to know him in 2008 when we formed a students association called Kaburisoke students association. he had finished his S2, Later he went to Kampala for studies but came back prematurely.
When I started a small business in town he was renting some where while working at some one's butchery and he hosted me until we started paying rent together & we spent a year until we were joined by his brother & we started sharing a room three of us, I remember we could cook cabbage & posho, Mathias was good at mingling & lighting a stove while I couldn't manage that..
the land lady refused and asked one of us to leave. Mathias was not being paid a salary, his brother was volunteering, its only me who had some business & i had to rent my own room.
Then his boss at the butchery defaulted him his wages amounting to 300,000=, he went & reported to mayor Geoffrey Byamukama & his boss connived with a Lady at cape hotel who alleged that she had paid Mathias money for meat which was allegedly never delivered, when mayor summoned his boss, they ended up demanding Mathias! akarugiramu aho. It was painful because he could at times come narrating to us the pain he would feel in the chest after falling with a motorcycle while carrying a goat or a sheep tied in his chest at a motorcycle tank & imagine they don't even pay him!
Often I would leave him at my shop & go for political activism & he would make more money than I could because he is better than me in customer care & marketing.
He again went to Kampala for studies after being connected to our friend Emmanuel Twinamatsiko by our colleague Asimwe Kennedy & when he reached he stated working at his restaurant as he went to school, later he was asked to pay for S6 registration which he couldn't afford, I found him with his mattress in Kampala & we came back together because he had decided to register from here since it was cheaper than kampala , i had two rooms, i gave him one room & he stayed there, his brother paid for him registration at Kamwenge voc SS , He worked at his brothers restaurant while doing his S6.
On the restaurant he met a man who had been appointed as a head teacher Kamwenge SS, he served him well & they had a conversation, this head teacher offered to allow him study at his school though he had registered from another school which was distant.
He did his S6 and passed well. It took him 10 years 2006-2016 to complete his secondary.
What united us most was the spirit of patriotism & our humble family backgrounds.
He lost his father at the age of six, he was the last born, non of his elders stepped in a secondary, but he wanted to break the record and yes he did!
He said his background shouldn't determine his future.
In last campaigns he campaigned for Cuthbert for NRM primaries but campaigned for OZO of FDC in general elections. He is related to Cuthbert but he supported OZO because he loves his country.
Fortunately Cuthbert took it in good faith & they remained friends.
We were almost killed in his home area as he identified for me vote thieves.
He was also my agent when I contested in 2016 elections.
Finally he secured a job with Kamwenge district local government.
His journey seemed too unclear, with a lot of uncertainty but he remained resilient and persistent, he never gave up...
I remember in 2016/17 he studied in three universities in one year, all this because of money issues but as I talk he finally got one and he is studying his bachelors.
He is a true inspiration to me, its not just the rich or big people that inspire us but even those around us can inspire us in a way or another.....
He has remained focused, consistent, committed, hard working, confident, persistent, resilient, humble, honest, hopeful, optimistic loving & above all patriotic.
Some times you see us people moving & make judgements, you need to know our story first.....
Mathias hasn't achieved his goals but there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
Big ups my brother Mathias, I thought I should share your story with the public, it could inspire many souls