"Stop excuses! Go for it, if you fail, get back up:push back till it counts" Crooze FMs Steve Buk has secrets behind his achievements|Street Magazine

Steve Buk of crooze fm Who is Steve Buk? Steve Buk is a down to earth individual that has been part of different professions mostly under the Information Technology field but now under radio, but still, IT is involved. I like talking about work first coz am a reserved person that likes his space most of the time. I hate people intruding my space and on top of that disrespect my zone! With that we ain't friends. In my opinion, that's me....hahahah! On the other side, many find me funny, charming and ofcourse the ladies always say "Am Cute". I always take that complement coz i look after myself...i have too much love for myself which is commonly referred to as 'Self Love" in the current times. That's enough about me, shall we move on :-) What drove you into radio broadcasting? From my early teenage age one of the things that used to occupy my non-busy time was radio, internet not being as widely affordable and available as of today, i c...