Deuzo renovator shoots "Born a winner" video, had an interview with Mr vybs

Deuzo recently in shooting Okukwagala video Mr vybs 19/08/2017 vybsplanet news Ibandas based artist Deuzo renovator is under happiness over the on going video shootings of his song Born a winner, a 2017 release. Deuzo is just abrave and simple guy born on 06 june 1997 in Nyakatookye of Ibanda. He still has both parents, got hisstudies from Nyakatookye primary school and Christ high school all Ibanda and he finally went to Mbuya high school kampala. Mr vybs had to interview him and, the story comes this way: Mr vybs: We hear of video shootings, whats the video yuh shooting? Deuzo: Born a winner. Its a 2017 release. Mr vybs: When did you start shootings Deuzo: the video shootings started early this week and are on going til the week to start tomorrow. Mr vybs: Who is yuh manager? Deuzo: Lucky hustler, he has been part of me music wise, i have something to tell in music with Lucky. Mr vybs: How many videos and audios sofar? Deuzo: I got 3 videos and 6 audios...